Community mobilization and promotion of volunteering in response to gender-based violence
Implementing organization: Association Vilnius Women’s House.
Target groups: victims/survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner violence (DV/IPV), at the broadest scale – nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), local communities, professional groups and decision makers.
Beneficiaries: NGOs, law enforcement agencies, municipal representatives, local communities, politicians.
Purpose – to empower nongovernmental women organizations working in the field of women’s human rights. To enhance their networking, coalition building, advocacy skills and capacities to provide specialized help and assistance to the victims of domestic violence/intimate partner violence, according to the best practice.
The project activities are designed to mobilize individuals and communities, professional groups at the local, regional and national levels to deal effectively with gender based violence, by fostering zero tolerance towards DV/IPV and seeking to mobilize teams with different competencies needed to prevent and combat gender-based violence. Moreover, to promote NGOs networking, coalition building and advocacy skills in the area of stopping gender based violence and women’s human rights.
In the framework of the project a pilot project of Specialized Help center Coordination center (SHC) is conducted seeking for better coordination of the activities of SHC in 8 regions of Lithuania. SHC CC will coordinate activities aimed at skill building, high quality help and assistance provision for the victims of DV/IPV. As well as exchange of good practices among local SHC’s and creation of the optimal operation model of the standard SHC. Ideological platform based on feminist theory and practice to be established and a SHC handbook of methodological recommendations to be issued. In the framework of the project, specialized complex help is improved and developed in the Municipality of Vilnius City. More clients would receive qualified help and assistance for a longer duration.
Advocacy campaign “Stop violence against women“ implemented on a local, regional and national level will provide with information and conciseness raising individuals, communities, NGOs, professional groups and decision makers on the topic of DV/IPV as a gender-based violence. Information significantly more accessible to the target group. The main target group of the project will benefit by easier access to protection from violence and more qualified help and assistance from SHC in 8 regions. Information significantly more accessible to the target group.