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Project activities

  • IMG_6337By implementating the EEA Grants project „Mobilising the community and the promotion of volunteering in responding to gender-based violence” in 2015 Vilnius Women’s House conducted an extensive information campaign. During multiple events in Kaunas, Alytus, Ukmerge, Gargždai, Šakiai, Christmas fairs in Vilnius were distributed specifically for that purpose prepared information leaflets, publicizing the Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law (2011 m.) and state-guaranteed specialized complex help and ways to acquire and use it.

Through the project partners, other NGOs important information reached the majority of Lithuanian regions. In cooperation with the Police and the Children’s Rights Agency, information was distributed to the target group.

You can find the information here on what is needed to know in order to protect yourself and others from domestic violence.


On September 17th, 2015, Association Vilnius Women’s House applied and won the competition that was announced by Ministry of Social Security and Labour to train all Lithuanian Specialized Help Centers’ consultants and workers. Training was carried out in the last quarter of the year 2015. Out of the total of 19 NGOs, 16 organizations, that were caring out the functions of SHC either alone or in partnership with other organizations,  in 2015, attended the training. A total of 36 persons. To ensure efficient knowledge absorption and optimal work in the groups during the practical exercises, trainings were organized in 3 groups of 15 people – on October 27 – 28, on November 12 – 13 and December 3 – 4 with additional day of general training (second part of the training) on December 2nd.

The training evaluation questionnaires revealed that the vast majority of participants evaluated the training quality, information presentation and training methods as very high. The highest evaluation’s scores were given among the groups accordingly: 85.7% of the first group gave highest evaluation score, 91.6% – of the second and 70% of the the third, on the average 82, 4% of participants gave the highest – „very well” – evaluation scores. The remaining part of the evaluation – 17, 6%, consisted of evaluations „well”, therefore neither „average” nor „poor” evaluations were chosen. All training participants noted that the training materials will be very helpful in their further work, they will share gained information with their colleagues. They also shared that during the training gained knowledge will help them to understand their clients better, moreover the training contributed to a positive attitude in respect to the victims. All training participants (100%) evaluated the lecturers and their preparation „very well” and „well”, practical training organization was evaluated the same. When filling out the training evaluation questionnaires participants mentioned that the most useful were practical training sessions, such as situation modeling, community building technique and burnout syndrome prevention, when working with DV/IPV victims and survivors. Most of the participants proposed to organize this kind of training at least twice a year.

Pre-training and post-training tests were administered in order to assess participants’ knowledge related to DV/IPV field and Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law (2011). Estimates indicate that 100 per cent of the training participants increased their knowledge – an average of correct answers increased from 35 to 37%. Some of the participants obtained 0 correct answers on their pre- training test, but after the training their knowledge has risen to 88% of correct answers. We are glad that some of the trainees obtained 60% of correct answers on their pre-training tests, and as a result of training increased it to 100% correct answers.

These results suggest that the level of knowledge in the field of overcoming domestic violence has been very uneven and the need for training was tremendous. Based on the the knowledge assessments (pre- and post- training tests), it can be said that the training was effective and achieved the the training program objectives, which is that SHC consultants and workers, working in the area of domestic violence prevention and provision of help and assistance for DV/IPV victims, have significantly improved their professional competence.

  • IMG_6219On December 8th, 2015  The Women’s Crisis Centre of Alytus city and the Vilnius Women’s House organized a round-table discussion with the Alytus district community. Round-table discussion attended representatives from Alytus district municipality, the police, the prosecutor’s office, the Children’s Rights Agency, Lithuanian Bar Association, Specialized Help Centers, and shelters. The event organized together with the project partners – The Women’s Crisis Centre of Alytus city as the implementation of the EEA Grants project „Mobilising the community and Promoting volunteering in responding to gender-based violence”.


  • 12339074_988117064567376_5416746788910865650_oOn December 3rd – 4th, 2015 Specialized Help Centers’ consultants and staff attended the training „Government-guaranteed specialized complex help to victims of DV/IPV when implementing Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law”, part I (3rd training group).

Lilia Vasiliauskienė psychologist – psychotherapist, Vilnius Women’s House
Zuzana Vasiliauskaite, Vilnius Women’s House
Evelina Dirmotaitė, Vilnius Women’s House

  • mokymu 2 dalisOn December 2nd, 2015 all Lithuanian SHCs’ consultants and staff  attended second part of the training „Government-guaranteed specialized complex help to victims of DV/IPV when implementing Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law”.

Lilia Vasiliauskienė psychologist – psychotherapist, Vilnius Women’s House
Prof. Dalia Leinart, the CEDAW Committee Vice President
Birute Sabatauskaitė, the Human Rights Center
Zuzana Vasiliauskaite, Vilnius Women’s House
Dr. Salome Zaksaitė MRU lecturer
Allen Piesliakas Vilnius City District Court Vice-President

  • IMG_6152On November 25th, 2015The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women a conference  „LITHUANIA IN THE WORLD: four years to Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law – progress, challenges, future prospects” was held at the Lithuanian Parliament’s European Information Office. The conference was dedicated to the international campaign 16 days of activism against violence against women.


Zita Žvikienė, Chair of Parliamentary Human Rights Committee

Lilia Vasiliauskienė Vilnius Women’s House

Dive Baranauskas, Charity Foundation Frida

Laima Vaigė, lecturer at the Institute of International and EU law at MRU

Salome Zaksaitė, researcher – scientist

Valentina Strokinienė prosecutor of Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office, Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office 3rd Division

Zuzana Vasiliauskaitė Vilnius Women’s House

More about the event can be found in the media:
http://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasai#/limit/70 (20:40)

  • IMG_6141On November 25th, 2015, The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a street action Witnesses of Silence was organized near the Lithuanian Parliament. By lighting candles we honored women around the world who had died from abusive partners’ and spouses’ hand.


  • spaudos konferencijaOn November 25th, 2015 at the Lithuanian Parliament a press conference was held, during which the NGO recommendations to The State’s institutions on women’s human rights consolidation were presented


  • spaudos pranešimasOn November 23rd, 2015 Press release „Domestic violence against women – People are dying here, too! Let’s join the forces for women’s human rights protection.



  • IMG_6074
    • On November 12th – 13th, 2015 Specialized Help Centers’ consultants and staff attended the training „Government-guaranteed specialized complex help to victims of DV/IPV when implementing Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law, part I (2nd training group).


    Lilia Vasiliauskienė psychologist – psychotherapist, Vilnius Women’s House

    Zuzana Vasiliauskaite, Vilnius Women’s House

    Evelina Dirmotaitė Vilnius Women’s House


  • IMG_3692On October 27th – 28th, 2015 Specialized Help Centers’ consultants and staff attended the training „Government-guaranteed specialized complex help to victims of DV/IPV when implementing Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law, part I (1st training group).


Lilia Vasiliauskienė psychologist – psychotherapist, Vilnius Women’s House

Zuzana Vasiliauskaite, Vilnius Women’s House

Evelina Dirmotaitė Vilnius Women’s House

  • teismų administracijaOn October 21st, 2015 The Association Vilnius Women’s House, together with the National Judicial Administration has organized a round table discussion „The victim friendly environment in Lithuanian courts”.  The representatives from The Lithuanian Courts, The National Courts Administration, The Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Specialized Help Centers, Social Service Centers and other organizations.


  • IMG_3681On October 16th, 2015 a round table discussion „Securing adequate and timely specialized complex help for the victims of DV/IPV. Inter-institutional cooperation and improvement opportunities of Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law” was held at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour. Recommendations to State institutions when implementing Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law were presented.

  • IMG_3648
    On October 7th, 2015 a round table discussion was organized by Gargždai Social Services Centre and the Vilnius Women’s House while implementing the EEA Grants project. The discussion was attended by Klaipėda County community representatives.


  • 1On September 14th-16th, 2015 the project’s „Mobilising the community and the promotion of volunteering in responding to gender-based violence” event – camp – seminar „Feminist theory and practice in the SHC work: how to preserve and enhance the organization’s human resources”.

We sincerely thank colleagues for the time meaningful spent together, the work and constructive discussion!


  • On August 21st, 2015  we published leaflets for domestic violence victims that were prepared by Vilnius Women’ House employees:
  • SPC pagalbos specifikaOn July 8th – 10th of April, 2015 was held a qualification improvement training „Specificity of Specialized Help Centers’ work and the consolidation of abuse victims’ human rights, based on the best world practice”. Sustainability and development of Specialized Help Centers’ (SHC) throughout Lithuania were discussed. During three-day training course participants were introduced with:
  1. SHC work organization, principles and ethics of practices, client friendly approach providing help and assistance;
  2. Principles of providing specialized psychological aid. Feminist consulting, trauma psychology (Post-traumatic stress and battered woman syndrome, the phenomenon of cycle of violence);
  3. Principles of providing specialized legal assistance. Civil, criminal and administrative law, law enforcement practices;
  4. Supervision – intervision group-method, application of which significantly reduces the risk of burnout syndrome in SHC’s consultants.

During the training SPC staff has improved its ability to provide qualified assistance in the county regions, reduced the risk of burnout syndrome and discussed the general principles of the SHC work, enabling unified provision of specialized complex help.

Speakers: Lilia Henrika Vasiliauskienė, president of Vilnius Women’s House
Birute Sabatauskaitė, director of Lithuania Human Rights Institute
Dovilė Prunskaitė, Vilnius SHC psychologist
Agne Marčiukaitienė, lawyer

  • skrajojantys brazilaiOn July 7th, 2015 at M.K. Čiurlionis home a fund rising concert „Flying Brazilians” to support the association Vilnius Women’s House concert has occurred. We sincerely thank everyone who came and donated. Your donations (147 euros) contributed significantly covering the logistics of July 8th – 10th training „Specificity of Specialized Help Centers’ work and the consolidation of abuse victims’ human rights, based on the best world practice” at Ukmergė district.


  • paramaOn June 1st, 2015 we created and distributed flyers with information about the project „Mobilising the community and the promotion of volunteering in responding to gender-based violence”, as well as information about the needed funds and the opportunity to support this project.





  • apskritasis stalas - prokuraturaOn May 28th, 2015 at Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office was held a round table discussion. In the discussion took part representatives of Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office, the Court and the Vilnius city and district police headquarters. We thank participants for their constructive discussions and valuable suggestions on how to improve Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law. By representing the interests of victims’ we thank prosecutor Eve Danylienė for shaping best practices of this Law implementation and thanks to the whole Vilnius district police for their good work in responding to gender-based violence.

Valentina Strokinienė, prosecutor of Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office, Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office 3rd Division
Lilija Henrika Vasiliauskienė, director of Vilnius SHC

  • gatvės muzikos dienaOn May 16th, 2015, the Street Music Day, Vilnius Women’s House volunteers distributed information about EEA Grants project „Mobilising the community and the promotion of volunteering in responding to gender-based violence” and gathered funds for the project.


  • lėšų pritraukimasOn May 6th, 2015, a fundraising seminar was held. We are delighted that this event was joined by our project partners and coalition members from the charity foundation „Frida”. The participants broadened their knowledge of fundraising, compiled their organizations’ annual funding plans, have improved their ability to raise funds.

Lecturer: Gabrielė Mankauskaitė – Juknevičienė.

  • Balandzio 22On 22nd of April, a second event of the project occurred – The best practice sharing seminar. The event was attended by project partners and colleagues from other regional Specialized Health Centers in Vilnius, Kaunas, Panevežys, Šiauliai, Tauragė, Anykščiai, as well as by the representatives of Lithuanian Social Security and Labour Ministry. The opening speech of Vilnius Women’s House president Lilija Henrika Vasiliauskienė over-viewed the state of Specialized Help Centers from 2011 when Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law came into force up to the present day.
  • Koalicijų mokymaiOn 6th of March, 2015, „The Coalition-building training. International Women’s Solidarity Day celebration” was hosted at Lithuanian Parliament. The opening speech was given by Dalia Kuodytė, the parliamentarian and one of the Protection from violence in immediate surroundings law authors.

Lecturers: Dr. Birutė Jatautaitė

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